We Have Huge News Regarding Jaylen Brown And The 2019-20 NBA Season

Welcome back everybody, I know there’s a strong chance you’re bummed out about having to be back in the cubes after what was a dominant long weekend, but fear not because I have some great news when it comes to Jaylen Brown and his much needed Year 4 leap. First, as is tradition here on this blog, it is my job to share with you any dominant summer workout videos including our beloved Celtics. Nothing, and I mean nothing inspires more hope and positive vibes than one of your favorite players destroying people in a summer basketball run, and that’s exactly what we have here with Jaylen.

Right off the bat you see Jaylen can still dunk with the best of them, but there was more to that video. I saw a slightly improved handle, a little off the dribble midrange, certainly enough to get the blood flowing to my groin area on this Monday morning. And yeah, this is against competition that I would describe as not quite NBA quality, but that’s the thing about summer basketball highlight videos, those specifics don’t matter just enjoy the ride.

Now that you’re all lubed up, we can get to the main point of this blog. We had some big news drop yesterday when it comes to Jaylen’s upcoming season, and it’s far more impactful than these open runs. See for yourself

Lil B The BasedGod, ever heard of him? Basically the one guy you want on your side when it comes to the NBA. If you don’t think he matters well you my friend aren’t paying attention. Has James Harden won a title since his curse? Nope. Hell even Durant kept coming up short until Lil B lifted the curse and KD joined a super team. This shit is real whether or not you want to believe it. How do I know? Well this isn’t the first time the Celtics were blessed

What happened that year? Oh right the Celtics somehow made it a game away from the NBA Finals despite losing their all star free agent 5 minutes into the season and were without He Who Shall Not Be Named for the entire playoff run. What was a huge reason for that deep playoff run in 2017-18? The leap Jaylen Brown took in the playoffs. Sure he also blessed the Celts in that Cavs series which eventually lost but don’t get caught up in the specifics. We did not get a Lil B blessing last year and look what the fuck happened. I think we can all agree that blessing > no blessing so if you’re looking for additional reasons to be excited about Jaylen’s upcoming year, add this to the list. Jaylen does a lot of positive things for this organization, but this may have been his most important contribution to date

Imagine just a few weeks ago things looked bleak for this team. Now, they removed the cancer, we as a fanbase are slowly recovering from losing Al Horford, the Celts are undefeated in Summer League and now we have another blessing. All of the sudden things are looking up in a wide open NBA and through logic and science we now have every reason to be even more excited for Jaylen’s upcoming season. Gotta love it.

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